Home > News about projects > Page 6
| 16.02.2017
We are happy to announce that the contract with the Reichan Settlement has been signed.
We are happy to announce that the contract with the Neriah Settlement has been signed.
| 13.02.2017
Pictures of the month from the project
| 23.01.2017
What’s happening in Leshem?
The work at Neveh Dror has finally begun at this auspicious time
Watch the first detonations for the work at Kedem
| 08.12.2016
Populating of Stage 4 at Leshem has begun
Work on Stage 6 at Leshem has begun
| 20.11.2016
Avnei Hefetz – work has begun!
Work has begun on the Alei Dafna Neighborhood at Kfar Eldad
| 10.11.2016
Project presentation evening for the residents of Kfar Eldad
Interested in one of our projects? Any questions? Give us a call at 6714 * or leave your details here and we'll get back to you as soon as possible!